Tuesday 17 January 2012

Better Designs

So I've been called a twitter addict, I don't believe it's that simple. I'm addicted to the interaction of fan and star, seller and consumer. I'm addicted to what makes a follower tick... lest we not forget that the beauty of twitter is that you choose to follow and unfollow.

Twitter fans are quick to diss Facebook, but both play their part depending on why you are on there in the first place. I've been doing what I do since before both platforms blew up. These platforms hurt many of the old school promoters and created an era of newer and possibly lazier promoters.

Prototype marketers didn't embrace these platforms but they have since had to adjust. Adapt or die is the way of the modern world and the world of business is even more harsh.

I'm of the theory that technology and platforms should be embraced and utilized, but only in conjunction with old school fundamentals.

It's like when the And1 mixtapes dropped. Suddenly kids could do incredible things with a basketball, dunk over cars and shit, but they can't hit open jumpers or lay-ups. Ever asked yourself why 'Hot Sauce' and the rest of the And1 team are not in the NBA? Think of an NBA coach as a big brand. Brands aren't looking for the flashiest,loudest talker on the strip with empty promises... they put their product in the hands of those who understand it and its target.

The basics may mean fewer girls cheer for you during the game, but the ladies only leave with the winners anyway... trust me.

I'm actually a marketing addict. I'm intrigued by the psyche and how people engage with a product and become loyal to it. Sometimes it's through pure addiction like with cigarettes... I believe in the cool factor. The success of AKA(other than pure talent and hard work) is due to his personality being part of our marketing plan. He's cool in my opinion away from work, so we can't lose that when it's time to work.

ALS is the strongest weekly Sunday event in the land. It's success is based on extensive research... no luck... no laziness. We have put cool people together and allowed everyone to shine in a room that is ego-free... we are there to have a good time... no tough guys.

Now we sell the cool factor to you on social networks predominantly but trust me when I say my camp is still big on fundamentals. I'm still in the street handing out flyers... yeah we push the cool, but I'm not too cool to push it. This is work so respect the blueprints, respect the designs that pave the way for better designs.

Sorry, but this would have been a long-ass tweet.

All love



  1. You a true legend boi....I like the concept of selling "Cool" however not too cool to do the work!! Stay schemin

  2. I like the fact that you're still big on the fundamentals which i guess is some kind of your secret formula, mixing the new with the old...
