Wednesday 1 February 2012

Silent Assassin

Knowing when to walk away and knowing when to be quiet are attributes that I've only recently figured out. Silence is a weapon... a deadly one at that. The ability to keep your mouth shut keeps your foes guessing. Validating yourself or seeking it doesn't work... actions really do speak louder.

When I was at Wits, we had a section called "Strategic Thinking" under my International Relations course. Now a lot of the theory had to do with wartime tactics... art of war shit. The strategy behind defeating an opponent has very little to do with aggression, it's more about keeping them guessing and when aggressive... controlled aggression.

When you are loud and threatening regarding your next move, then there can never be an element of surprise. The best thing you can do is seem defeated and a lull of sorts. Let them be arrogant enough to forget about you.

Silence drives an opponent crazy, they rack their brains wondering what your next move is, wondering if they missed it, they out there going through your timeline searching for clues and subliminals.

The ability to keep your cards close will also save you from snitches... remember some people don't even snitch on purpose or with malicious intent... they simply talk too much. It can be your partner, boy, girl, employee, etc... sometimes they brag on your behalf or they feel the need to defend you when others belittle what you do. Give them the smarts for the cause... the team requires discipline.

I'm of the theory that by the time cats see the moves, it has to be too late. Their cage has to be so hectically  rattled, that they're even willing to change their plan in order to catch up or adjust... this is why sound moves get traced... dudes don't have faith in their own plan.

Stick to your script, keep your script in the vault and when you launch... make it a motherfucken blockbuster.

All love.