Wednesday 13 July 2011

Lets Keep It Clean, Fellaz

After a recent discussion with a female friend, I realize that us dudes can really let ourselves slide. In fact I brought up the topic of personal grooming up with my Wolfpack and we're all in agreement... Cats let themselves slide.

As far as I'm concerned, personal grooming begins with personal hygiene... It begins with the things that yo mama taught you.

Yo mama taught you to wash before you head out and if you aren't washing before you crash... At least wash your face.

Yo mama taught you to wash behind those big ears and to scrub those armpits.

Yo mama taught you to brush your teeth twice a day... So do it,damn it!

Yo mama taught you to keep your nails short... The grime under there is exactly that, grimy homie... Stop it.

Yo mama taught you to keep the hair short and neat, of course some of you dudes still insist on having dreads and cornrows in 2011... That's between you and yo mama.

Now I'm hoping that yo mama didn't teach you how to shave, but it's the same philosophy as your scalp... Figure out your style and maintain it. Razor burn sucks but stick to the hygiene, get some good balm(my dude Kamza believes in methylated spirits) and all will be well.

Now that you clean and groomed, you know yo mama taught you to never skip on the roll-on. I'm not a fan of spray, besides hurting the ozone layer(useful info), it evaporates far too quickly in the heat and doesn't protect you when you out there trying to battle me on the dance floor... You wonder why you threw out your best macks and she had that weird look on her face.

Now I know yo mama used to annoy you with all that Vaseline and had you looking like fish grease and that wasn't cool, but she was saving you from being ashy. Not cool to be ashy, fellaz... Can't be out there looking like you bath in chlorine,homie... Stock up on that cocoa butter please.

Trust me, listen to yo mama and keep it clean,fellaz.


  1. Hahahaha tell this 2 some 031 club hoppers...The Ashy Ankle reigns supreme homey...

  2. Tebello! I wish every guy could read this...especially these cats in the U.S!
