Wednesday 13 July 2011

Try The Silver

People always complain about the prices of drinks in clubs. I think it boils down to your problems, intentions, budget and knowledge.

If you are trying to forget your issue, then the prices do no matter. If you are trying to impress your phone, I suggest you keep your phone off so you only see that FNB text in the morning. If money is no issue, well then holla at your boy, but if it's knowledge that you have then you know what you're drinking, why it costs that much and you hopefully drink it responsibly.

I stopped drinking the coffee Patron after taking the time to do some research on the tequila brand for a proposal I was putting together. I'm not knocking the coffee flavour, I just appreciate the culture and details that go into the silver and gold tequilas... Patron silver wins.

Now let' not get ahead of ourselves, shots of the silver all night will have you calling the last person you should call and telling them that you love them.

In fact, I witnessed the silver wound a few of your favourite artists at the Durban July. I won't name names... No snitching. A couple of shots is cool, it's very smooth but ask the barman for a double with pineapple juice... Trust me.

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