Wednesday 27 July 2011

Why ladies find chunky dudes sexy

Biggie, Big Pun, HHP, Rick Ross and 90% of Big Nuz... these brothers used to and currently get female fans in a frenzy. Rick Ross spends most of his time topless... a lot of time. The man has no tone whatsoever, yet he doesn't care... why you ask?

 When HHP steps on stage... all hell breaks loose. Female fans also lose their minds whenever Big Nuz jumps on... why you ask?

Although being overweight is deemed as unhealthy or an indication of depression, it's also a sign of extreme confidence. Think about it, a man is so comfortable in his own skin and therefore insists on showing it like Rick Ross. That man is bound to have presence and command your attention.

Now if you take into account that the dude dresses as well as Rick Ross or dances as well as HHP or Big Nuz, how are you not going to be drawn to him?

Despite the very obvious size, chunky dudes are not viewed as threatening. Ask yourself why so many chunky dudes go by the name of "Tiny". Women love the huggable and lovable character, they love the bear hugs, love the boyish charm from someone who is not focused on their own looks and will take attention away from them.

Ladies find chunky dudes sexy because they exude love and safety. They exude comfort and joy... They love themselves and love others... There's a whole lot more for them to old onto.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed!! they really just exude love and comfort...and safety...and just a lot of love man.

    Isn't it funny how different this thinking is though when it comes to women? People make comments like get a thick girl for guaranteed warmth in winter and a skinny one for summer? ......
